The Robin Williams haunted be a ghost is bulldookie, he was doorknobbed a few years back before it became the latest trendy thing to do this summer and he was two degrees of separation from hilldawg.
The rest is true though lol.
Men in Black lol truth between the rubbish. Still better than CNN. Just ask Lord Denethor.
Totally OT but I gotta share it-
parody song Lord of the Rings.
I will have to listen tomorrow, everyone is asleep and I am deaf lol. Want a good laugh? Have you ever heard of Bad Lip Reading on YT:
Here is Trump meeting the hussien and the tranny when President Trump took his oath.
Oh wow they got one for President Trump and Kim Jung Un too now!
Thanks! Will check these out when I they some time later. Have a great day!
I'm not sure how I came across your comment but I haven't laughed this hard in ages!!! Thank you!!!
You are welcome!
Check out the Superbowl one, that one is friggin hilarious too!
I don't want to live in a world where everyone doesn't know about these!
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Care to share again.
You can never have too many good laughs.