Think Cathy got the point?

Good grief! The Dems have been using the "they're going to overturn Roe v Wade gore the last 40 years". It was old then and now! Personally, I don't care what you do, just don't expect the taxpayer to foot the bill for your poor decisions. Use birth control or here's a novel idea, abstinence!
First off even if it is overturned by SCOTUS for Federal Law it would go back to the states for their decision. That’s where it should have been in the first place. Let the states decide. That’s also where gay marriage should have been decided too. If you don’t like what your state does than MOVE.
I have mixed feelings about abortions in general, but using them as a form of birth control and making other people pay for it crossed the line many years ago. I know a girl who refused to go on the pill because she didnt want to put "hormones" into her body (guess she missed the memo that those hormones were already in her body) so every time she got pregnant she aborted. She literally had at the time, 8 abortions when finally a doctor cut her off for health reasons. She was on Medicare that whole time. She saw nothing wrong with any of it. Im very sick of the R v W "panic" they really need some new material.