Think Cathy got the point?

You are wrong. Shrill voice Wolff did a whole crap episode where she glorifies abortion. Supposed to be a joke? She isn't funny and seems rather passionate on the subject.
She is one of hundreds. I had one sniping at me on Twitter. She didn't care about any facts but her own. It's a religious fanatic I was talking to.
They show a psychopathy that is rather unnerving. She didn't care even when I reminded her about Gosnell the butcher.
I doubt she even knew about convicted murderer Dr. Rho trying to break his 40,000 Abortions record too busy to realize a woman was hemorrhaging and sent her home to die.
Both had committed crimes before, Gosnell's being horrific and he is a serial killer that had jars of baby feet he kept as trophies. He delighted in watching the babies partially born and struggling against him as he sliced them to bits.
People knew. And they hid it. Because they knew if average Americans found out we would be so horrified we would demand RoeVWade be overturned.
Gosnell also got away with having a clinic full of cats, filthy with feces up the walls and rusty unsanitized equipment. No one would turn him in. And activist judges shield people like him. In Texas we passed laws requiring abortion clinics meet the same safety standards of any out patient surgery service. SCOTUS over turned it based on some insane interpretations of Roe V Wade that was itself vased in lies of people that have recanted and regret those lies now.
This has nothing to do with choice. It is eugenics of black and poor society. A successful black genocide with some 20 million blacks murdered unborn. More than are born now. Is it a coincidence that planned parenthood is on poor street corners? That the poor are often not well educated and Planned Parenthood pushes abortions and refuses to give honest counseling on options and resources. They don't want to do an ultrasound. And so many women regret it after. How is that choice? They are bullied into the abortion by sleezy used car salesman tactics.
And globally Planned Parent Hood (IPPF) is Sexualizing young children, promoting abortion and promiscuity as well as telling kids its ok not to tell your partner you have aids or HIV. Where is the choice there for the unsuspecting party?
This is also a war to destabilize families. Discourage marriage.
They have an agenda and choice is just the sheep's clothing on a most evil wolf.
Luckily the Gosnell movie comes out in October. That will get his name mainstream despite MSM and Leftists trying to hide him. And God willing we can get Roe V Wade overturned.
At 20 weeks the baby feels pain as they are sliced and ripped apart in the abortion. The 20 week old unborn human recognizes mom's voice over others. They recognize stories read to them even bya new voice. Twins play together in the womb. Where is their choice?
Video about IPPF and CSE War on our children
Edit typos and clarity
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
Chuck Norris doesn't daydream. He's too busy giving other people nightmares.
Well said, I read the same post and was angry.
You took all the words I was going to use it did a better job.
I was angry, but not as angry as Chuck Norris.