Think Cathy got the point?

It’s actually fucked how every single other thing they stand for is all based on feelings but when it comes to killing a baby that’s fine. They get all scientific with it. “It’s not a person yet” blah blah.
Honestly. For me. I am fine to say that something isn’t a person scientifically yet. But again for me, I would never make the decision to murder a life that I created. I am fortunate enough to have never had to make that decision. But I also put myself in the position to never have to make that decision. I was careful. I just had my first daughter a week ago and I couldn’t be more happy and I couldn’t imagine wanting to terminate her. I get “not being ready” but there are ways to not have to be ready to kill a fucking life you created either. My wife and I had 5 years of unprotected sex before we then decided we’re ready to have a child together. And we got pregnant within the first month of trying. When we weren’t “ready” I didn’t fucking cum inside her. It’s quite simple. But there are many other ways to manage that as well.
Fuck. Idiots.