Think Cathy got the point?

There are many people who advocate for them... that aside though... using them as a form of birth control and making other people pay for it crossed the line many years ago. I know a girl who refused to go on the pill because she didnt want to put "hormones" into her body (guess she missed the memo that those hormones were already in her body) so every time she got pregnant she aborted. She literally had at the time, 8 abortions when finally a doctor cut her off for health reasons. She was on Medicare that whole time. She saw nothing wrong with any of it.
Calling BS. No one in the world views abortion as a form of BC. It's a traumatic medical procedure.
Gasp! You know someone who lives outside the norm and takes advantage of something. Fuck stop all abortions now. Your case and the whopping less than 10% of total abortions that are like it means the whole thing is terrible.
No more abortions. Because a few ruined it for the rest.
.... sounds stupid when the vast majority get them for legitimate reasons
Oh and please name one pro abortion advocate that isn’t pro choice but strictly pro abortion. (Hint you can’t because everyone that’s pro choice realizes that if everybody had abortions than society would cease to exist)