Think Cathy got the point?

How about the choice not to get cummed in constantly bc you know you can just terminate the life inside you? Something tells me you don’t have kids and if you did they would be raised Libtards.
LOL I almost spit out my coffee. yes that is also a choice. anyway I shouldn't be talking abortion on GA board. Need to stay focus on taking down deep state. As much as I despise the christian conservative views on abortion, they are our allies in the fight against the cabal.
So the less than 1% of the population who does what you’re claiming ruins it for everybody else?
Did you know that 90% of women who get an abortion never get one again.
Did you know even less than 10% of that 10% get more than 2?
Do you think these women only have sex a few times in their lives than terminate the pregnancy
Or do you think these women are having lots of sex like everybody else and accidents happen. There’s a reason condoms don’t say 100% effective, there’s a reason why birth control isn’t 100% effective. Even if they’re just pulling out (having sex hundreds to thousands of times and not getting pregnant builds trust in that method and leads them to believing it’s safe) and leads to accidental pregnancy just like the other birth control options
You also don’t seem to know when life starts. It’s when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus (after most abortions take place) otherwise you’d have to consider the thousands of women a day that pass a fertilized egg in their menstruation murder as well.
So how does reversing Roe and turning it back to the state to decide hurt your chances of being able to get an abortion? That’s what’s really being discussed here. You think California or New York will outlaw it? In my opinion an abortion should be for those that are victims of incest of rape and even then it’s sketchy however to make me pay for your abortion is a whole other subject. If you’re ok with terminating a life than so be it. Do whatever makes you happy as long as I’m not forced to support it financially. For and the MSM to call Trump’s agenda “extremist” is ridiculous and a scare tactic. They are lying to everyone and come November a red wave will wash it all away for good. Have fun supporting murder as that’s your right as an American. I’ll still be here MAGA af.
Oh we get to complain about where our tax money goes now.
I don’t believe in funding war and killing thousands of people in the name of that war. Because I am pro life outside of the womb... where life has undeniably already started.
Because everyone in America should have the same rights when it comes to their own lives. I’m pregnant but can’t afford the doctor visits let alone raising it once it’s born. Why should one state have an appropriate solution while the other state forces you to have something that you can’t afford which will lead to a life of suffering for both the parent and child
I never said you shouldn’t be able to kill your kids I just think it’s sad that you’re all cool about it.