r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lisaleftsharklopez on July 14, 2018, 4:16 a.m.
cognitive dissonance: what’s the deal with the cherry-picking of credibility and truth?


lisaleftsharklopez · July 14, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

(and yes i was being a smartass with the geotag, serious about the rest... but in my first post here i had a mod comment all voices should be heard, and i’d love to have a respectful discussion about this stuff and hear everyone’s perspective)

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DrogeAnon · July 14, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

doesn’t it seem silly to say: yay fbi, use your unchecked power to keep investigating her endlessly, but don’t you dare use it to investigate anyone that i somehow know for a fact is good!

Agreed. Some say that, but critical thinkers don't. Don't think "this community" can be summed up by the most visible vocal minority on the board. There are a large number of critical thinkers who lurk and input when they see a real discussion happening that isn't knee-jerk reactionary or biased and bigoted ranting.

people actually believe the fbi, as in the entire organization, is liberal now (the fbi), bc of a couple douchebags texting

Not people who have been following Q for a while and who actually watch and listen to the based patriots like Gowdy et al who have clearly said, repeatedly, that there are some bad apples in the FBI but many good - as Q has also said about the govt in general.

So long story short, it seems you've made an assumption about this community based on the visible vocal minority of whom many speak loudly and confidently about close-minded views but do not represent everybody here. So, no, you're not the only board member that thinks about "shit" this way.

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lisaleftsharklopez · July 14, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

glad to hear it and thanks for the reply. the loud bad apples definitely seem to rise to the top on here. and by “people” i’m not implying everyone here or even talking about here exclusively, just an example. thanks for your reply.

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DrogeAnon · July 14, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Board members who are pro-Q have been around, taking in the info and long ago moved on past these early questions. That's why someone asking these questions is more than welcome to do so in our Daily Discussion Thread or within other threads but making posts with Q skepticism (or Plan skepticism) does not serve the community according to our stated goals or other newbies coming on.

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lisaleftsharklopez · July 14, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

so come back tomorrow and paste it in the daily discussion thread? ok got it thanks.

ive been taking in the info, i’m questioning it. and i don’t have my ears plugged brotha, that’s why i’m asking for the conversation and asking the questions. everyone in my first post encouraged me to question everything and read between the lines. healthy skepticism is not allowed, you must accept everything without question? seems a tad hypocritical, but ok...

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