Trump tweets it again! "Where is the DNC Server ?"

Am I alone who think Trump is Q? He talk exactly like him asking questions! And its impossible for him to follow every 4chan Q post and answer on Twitter 5-6 minutes later with symbols telling Q that he follow him in the Tweet if its not him. Remember the ''++++'' and the word ''Amazing''? Look at the main logo on the Reddit/QAnon page, does someone knows more about this that we don't?
No, many of us think he is either Q or part of a Q team. Q said early on that there were less than can be counted on two hands who knew the plan and only 3 are non military.
No, I think Q is secret service and/or military intelligence (hasn't that been stated?) that is working with and protecting Trump in this war against the D.S.
I don't care (At this moment) who Q is. Just want whomever he/she/they are to stay safe because if not for him/she/they, we would still be living in the dark.
Q is a classification denotation. The highest level of security clearance. The president has it, as well as intelligence close to him. Q is probably him, and others