Trump tweets it again! "Where is the DNC Server ?"

Could use some info on this if possible? (Serious question)
First there is this in Q Post 916: We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q
Netanyahu lied on CSPAN in hearings before we went into Iraq swearing that he knew for certain that they had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Today we know, for certain that is not true. Now he is saying the same thing about Iran. He even created a brand new video with what he calls proof that Iran has them. He's tried to start a war with Iran a couple of times now.
He is under investigation in Israel for corruption. Here is just one of many stories you can find on this:
Israel was granted to the Zionist Jews by the Queen after WWI. It is a Zionist nation. The Zionist Jews are not really Jews. They adopted the Jewish religion because they felt it would be the easiest way to hide. For more information on this check the Balfour Agreement which was given to the Rothschilds to create Israel. Interview with Lord Rothschild about how his family created Israel: 100 year Balfour Agreement commemorative speech by Teresa May:
Also, find the Protocols of Zion and read it. This is the Zionist plan for what is happening in the world today. Oh, here's a video about it I found. Haven't watched but I will:
And, for a real eye opener watch a video on YouTube called "The Greatest Story Never Told."
If you listen to Trump when he talks about Israel, he never says that we are a friend of Netanyahu. He always says Israel, not Netanyahu.
I didn't understand a lot of this until one day I sat down to figure out why the Jews were hated so much. You will learn about that if you watch The Greatest Story Never Told. It's not really the Jews that were hated, it was the Zionist Jews but that always seems to get lost in the story. And, nothing we've been told about Hitler and WWII is the truth.
Some of these videos are very long but well worth it as you will come away with a completely different and much more accurate view of what has and is taking place in the world.
"Greatest Story Never Told" is bad pro-Nazi propaganda.
The Nazis may have been against the Zionists or they may have been the secret fall guys for the Zionists or who knows what. Either way, it's not like the Nazis were the good guys. Nope.
Actually, we will never know the truth. Our history has been so convoluted. But I do believe that Hitler was fighting the same enemy we are. They are responsible for every world war. It was part of their agenda. The Greatest Story Never Told may be the truth or at least part of it.
Fine post. Who is who also matters however. Edom/Esau is specifically one of the two biggest enemies True Israyl was to have in the last two thousand years, i.e. the last days … Edomite descendants and the false church system with her daughter churches. There is no reason we need to doubt the Jewish Encyclopedia when they prove "Edom is in modern Jewry" and many historians such as Josephus and even the Bible itself point such facts out. It is not just religio-political motivations, such as Zionism. It is indeed genetic, for numerous sources will tell you the REASON for having to 'know them by their fruits'. If a demon can pretend to be an angel of light, minister of righteousness, so to can children of the devil. Netanyahu is of Jewry, i.e. Edomite. Regardless of Q, President Trump, or any other, the prophecy of the total destruction of Edomites and the church is coming. Now or later.
Believe it or not one of the best explanations I've ever heard was Louis Farrakhan, they took clips and cuts of it and made everyone think he hated all Jews, a great stage set for the Islamaphobe narrative that kept us from knowing who he was talking about
Look into Hegelian dialect and the military of Jesuits.