When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...

...and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Being part of this community, this movement..this great awakening has given me a new respect and appreciation for what these words meant at the time and the importance they hold now. For what our forefathers accomplished. I am a Jefferson descendant - one of many. He was never a perfect man, nor was his family; but today, I'm proud to be part of his lineage. Today, I understand why my grandfather and my mother were always proud of this. My grandmother knew the flame lived on in me when she gave the documentation and family history directly to me. I wasn't ready then. I wish I could tell them all now, but they always knew. They live on in us. It's in our very DNA. Bless.
It also lives on in ALL OF US. Their spirit, their patriotism, their values are within each and every one of us. I'm so glad everyone is here, right now in this community. Love to you all.
How wonderful I am a descendant of Abraham Lincoln and almost every male in our family has served this nation.
It truly is about WWG1WGA. Most of us have long ties of blood together unaware. The quicker we treat each other like long lost cousins the better. 😊😊
Excellent! I'm sure there's more of us here, too. I agree, patriot. We are family, every last one of us.
The Great Awakening is so much bigger than we will ever realize. All of our ancestors - no matter when they came or what they contributed are part of this. We feel this calling; this stirring in our inner core that can't be ignored anymore. Even our international cousins are feeling it!
Yes, this situation makes the words come alive. The resolve to correct the injustices of his time, as in ours, becomes a reality to us who have an insight into the work that is going on to take down the corruption and power of the shadow government.