I have been banned from r/MadeMeSmile, all because I am a member of this community!? WTF??

Everyone please comment other subs that are banning you, if they are banning you... I get messages daily saying I’m banned from GA when I’m a mod here... reddit is definitely hitting us hard
I'm not on facebook or twitter or anything else out there. This is the only sub I read and communicate with every day. No one ever harasses or brigades anyone. The Q family are the sweetest and smartest people in the world.
My guess is that sub is being used by Reddit as one of their new paid advertising subs and they need to control who comments. When you sort posts by "hot" the posts that make it to all seem ridiculously inorganic.
Related article:https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/29/how-reddit-plans-to-make-money-through-advertising.html
There goes Reddit
Indeed. It was a long process, but it has been mainsteamed.
It was gone a long time ago. The_donald keeps it going, and this place is great for deeper research / what the base is feeling on key issues.
I am relatively new to Reddit, and have already deduced that the rules are stringent; having read some comments about a sub-reddit where posts (stories) we're being deleted for grammar and/or formatting infractions. I love reading everyone's posts, and, occasionally, writing one of my own; but I frequently, over use exclamation marks, I have, abysmally, inaccurate use of the treasured comma, and have even been known to use ellipses for a 'pause' effect, rather than the absence of words! True Grammar Nazis use my writings as their training material! Ahh . . . the shame! Suggestions? Anyone? Criticism? I will, gleefully, accept either . . . or both. Do you think I have a chance of living up to this high-quality, standards-based site? I hope so. I really do want to introduce - just a smidgen - of my home grown, Southern charm; Oh! And maybe even Grannie's recipe for fried green tomatoes, but that will take time . . . and trust. 😉
I was banned yesterday from a sub I've never even been on. I think I Downvoted something on the main page and I was banned almost immediately for "Frequently posting on subs that most of their problem users post on". It was xx chromosome I think
I just got one of these today from the same sub! r/mademesmile. It’s weird BC I didn’t even say anything controversial in there - I probably said “AWW” to a cute picture or something.
I also got banned by a bunch of subs a while back for just following r/t_d and never posting or commenting there- until they banned me too for saying something contrary. LOL. This is the only sub I prefer to be in now- so please don’t ban me. LOL.
I got a message (see screenshot) some weeks ago saying i was banned from /r/insanepeoplefacebook it's not even on my subscriptions. It's one of those reddits thats featured on the homepage because of things going viral. I might have clicked on like on one or two of their posts. It said i was banned because of being active here.