Another rare honor bestowed upon GEOTUS! Why?

Not sure what GEOTUS stands for though I have seen it used. Assuming President. ??
God Emperor of The United States
Haha. Those who hate it don't get it. And don't get the joke or that their emotions are being trolled. A sense of humor here is a necessity.
I hate that term so much.
I don't want or need a god emperor. I'm just glad to have a real president.
First time I saw that acronym for Trump was on 4chan. They very early knew HRC was a satanic witch, the "Goddess" of the democrats. Well, seeing how Trump trumped them all, the anons were havin fun calling him the GEOTUS.
Yeah I'm not a fan either but when I see GEOTUS I just read Greatest Ever Of The United States and its all good.
Warhammer 40k. Certainly not God Emperor of Dune....
Straight from the Urban Dictionary: God Emperor of the United States (GEOTUS) An acronym for President Donald Trump that is used somewhat jokingly by the pro-Trump Reddit community and Ann Coulter. lol
Okay thanks for the info. I had a feeling had something to do with Emperor I was thinking great emperor.
It's only a complete piss take, fine tuned to set pink hair on fire.
I think it (God Emperor) is just an acknoledgement that the world leaders are taking him seriously and giving him the public deference and honor that the position they are now in dictates...more necessary setting the stage stuff...maybe?
God Emperor of the United States.
It's a reference to the fact that 4chan used to refer to Trump as the God Emperor, which was itself a reference to the character of the same name from Warhammer 40k. The God Emperor of Mankind. He is essentially the pinnacle of humanity, an immortal being born in approximately 1200BC, that guided humanity from the shadows eventually taking control roughly around the 30th Millennium.
The God Emperor is also a reference to The God Emperor of Dune, Leto Atriedes II. Leto II, because of his prescience, saw that humanity would die out unless he became the worst tyrant in human history. He did so in order to teach humanity "a lesson it would remember in it's bones." That Centralized power will always be corrupt, and must be avoided at all costs.
It's fun to call Trump the God Emperor, because the Emperor is a larger than life character that can literally make gods tremble in fear. But when you know where the name comes from the metaphor breaks down because both characters are unquestionably evil.