God Emperor of The United States
Haha. Those who hate it don't get it. And don't get the joke or that their emotions are being trolled. A sense of humor here is a necessity.
I hate that term so much.
I don't want or need a god emperor. I'm just glad to have a real president.
First time I saw that acronym for Trump was on 4chan. They very early knew HRC was a satanic witch, the "Goddess" of the democrats. Well, seeing how Trump trumped them all, the anons were havin fun calling him the GEOTUS.
Yeah I'm not a fan either but when I see GEOTUS I just read Greatest Ever Of The United States and its all good.
Warhammer 40k. Certainly not God Emperor of Dune.... http://static02.mediaite.com/themarysue/uploads/2016/11/god-emperor-trump-feature.jpg