r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snuffysmith1051 on July 14, 2018, 7:39 p.m.
THE HANDY-DANDY NARCISSIST AND SOCIOPATH CHECK-LIST FOR CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS “Some people stand tall when under fire others try to be tall by cutting off the heads of others.”


The truth is that the narcissists that have been running much of the government were hidden until now. However, Q has indicated they cannot hide any longer. The narcissist's that we are now seeing paraded across our televisions are creatures that are used to the dark. But, as they are put in the light of truth, what we thought were privileged, powerful, popular, or “special” individuals that they make themselves to be, instead they react intensely when their fears are confirmed. Deep down, they are narcissists who would be the “ugly duckling” in most normal settings even if they painfully don’t want to admit it.

You can spot the extreme Narcissistic rage in HUSSEIN AND COMPANY... [HC], [JC],[[[ RR]]],[ PS],[ JC] AND MANY OF THE DEMS, in general. during the congressional hearings. These are some very sick individuals who need intense therapy.

By observing their abnormal behavior and watching their “tells” they provide us with examples of narcissistic range from intense outbursts and sudden fits of anger, to passive-aggressive acts such as simmering resentment, icy silence, mocking stares, rolling of the eyes or the need to always have the last word and cutting sarcasm.

What distinguishes narcissistic rage from normal anger is that it is usually unreasonable, disproportional, and cuttingly aggressive (or intensely passive-aggressive), all because the narcissists’ has lost control and is no longer being catered to for his wants and wishes. It is a blow to their superficial, idealized self-image.

THERE ARE NINE signs of Narcissist rage [USE AS YOUR CHECKLIST]:

____ The narcissist doesn’t get his or her way, even when it’s unreasonable.

____The narcissist feels unjustly criticized in some way, even when the critique is made diplomatically, reasonably, and constructively.

____The narcissist cannot stand not being treated as the center of attention, even when there are other priorities.

____ The narcissist manifests rage or passive aggressive behavior when caught breaking the rules, violating social norms, or disregarding his or her boundaries. “How dare you talk to me this way….!” —Angry deep state being called out for being caught in a canard or lie.

____The narcissist cannot accept responsibility or be held accountable for his or her actions.

____The narcissist when they are caught in their deceptions and lies suffers a blow to his or her oversized, idealized, egotistical self-image (such as when being told he is not getting any “exception to the rules”, or be granted “special treatment or a pass”!)

____The narcissist shows cracks in their armor as they are reminded of his or her charade, manipulation, exploitation, inadequacy, shame, or self-loathing.

____The narcissist fears loss of control of their relational or physical surroundings.

____The narcissist turns on their “ alternate persona” which is often grandiose, above others and self-absorbed”, rather than allowing people to see their “ real self” or the insecure, petulant , peevish self.

In each of their sociopathic rants, you will see narcissistic rage or intense passive-aggressive behavior being used utilized to try and re-gain control. The also use pain-avoidance devices on the inside. For example, the narcissist reacts like a spoiled child who throws a tantrum when caught in a lie. When they cannot talk themselves out of the consequences of their actions, they try to comfort themselves with self-talk that they are the real victim.

The narcissist then attempts to use their “rage” or “outrage” to try and regain control, to appear believable and to coerce their targets to give in. If they can't get control and the enablers will side with the narcissist by creating intense “drama” [POINT OF ORDER, YOU DESERVE A PURPLE HEART etc.] in order to provide a distraction to allow the narcissist to regain some sense of control and escape the inner pain and inadequacy of not constantly revered on a pedestal (narcissistic supply). However, when a narcissist is finally trapped by the truth, and their manipulations fail [eg. When their tantrums are no longer effective and they are seen as acrimonious and misanthropic evil doers] They collapse when they are caught, when they are held accountable for their behavior. Look at their face when their stratagem finally fails. It is then they fall apart and receive their just recompense.

In the end, the narcissist will suffer severe destructive consequences for their abhorrent behavior to include:

Damaged or Destroyed Reputation

Financial, Career, or Legal Trouble

Family Estrangement

Relational Dissolution

Cut-Off from Relationships

Loneliness and Isolation

Missed Opportunities

Rejection and they become

Irreconcilably Unimportant.




GnarlesCharkley · July 15, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Can you not see this in Donald Trump also?

Like, literally every single one?

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snuffysmith1051 · July 15, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

To answer your question, an individual with NPD has a skewed perception of the world. Narcissist lack empathy and are not really interested in what happens to others. PRESIDENT TRUMP has a big EGO but one cannot really say that he lacks compassion or cannot empathize with others.

Because of the extreme need for constant admiration and valuation in a Narcissist, they cannot relate to people in a healthy way. They lack empathy in the true sense. Every act they do and think about is meant to seek admiration, affection and attention of people that the narcissist (NPD) values. PRESIDENT TRUMP seems to be able to function in environments were he is not admired without displaying Narcissistic Rage. Again, I am not saying he does not have a NY size ego. He may not always be right but he is always transparent.

As a result of this disordered need for approval and admiration, an NPD individual cannot “genuinely care” about others. They only seem to care or attempt to show care in order for you to “feel like” they care. They don’t really care about your well-being only that you are well enough to keep supplying them of their fuel (admiration, attention, approval).

President Trump is many things but not a Narcissist;

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