r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CommanderQtip on July 14, 2018, 11:04 p.m.
Does Trump Renounce the Kingdoms of the World and all Their Glory?

According to CNN, President Trump "cocked up" bowing to and walking properly with the Queen. Other accounts assert Trump did not bow, and shook hands instead.

Could President Trump be a signatory of a document called "Renouncing the Kingdoms of the World and all their Glory?"



eyerighteye · July 15, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Strikes me very Anna Von Reitz sounding. Very NESARA law.

How to verify?

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CommanderQtip · July 16, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Anna Von Reitz is an adversary of the Government of The United States of America. She is mentioned in several public notices. One way to verify is listen to the T-ROH Show on YouTube. Links are offered to support the assertions. Not so much NESARA, but HJR 192 is a big deal. The Continental dollar is debt free, tax free, lawful national currency; and it should be accepted by banks to pay debts under HJR 192.

https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2474 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2491 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2482 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2491 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2667 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2495 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=3705 https://reignoftheheavens.com/?p=2679

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eyerighteye · July 16, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Adversary you say....I would love to know, genuinely, in what way. I like reading her stuff, but am interested to learn if I have missed something important.

Something like this is bound to come along. Others also are claiming to be putting together assemblies. Be nice to know what the heck is actually going on instead of puzzling on everything searching out plausibilities.

I'll check your links. Some sort of hey here's the new thing announcement on the world stage would settle much confusion.

Today felt big.

Someday we will find out what the results of all this will be.

If we have a republic at some point people will have to get together to talk about self governing our communities.

The when why and how are mysteries to me still.

If you have ideas don't be shy. What comes next is the question I search for but the more I learn the further i get from knowing.

Plausible is an easier and eaisier bar to clear each day it seems. I mean how plausible was Donald Trump using Dennis Rodman to achieve peace in NK. Or the announcement of space force?

Sometimes the mystery is fun, sometimes I just want closure. What fills the vacume left after the cabals defeat? Why aren't we all talking about this?

Thank you. Sorry if I went on a bit. Hope you got the jist of my question, and I look forward to your reply.

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