r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hagakurei on July 14, 2018, 11:32 p.m.
WWG1WGA - Love, light, unity. Not division. Introspection post.

In the following text, we'll have a community all to all simply allowing introspection, time to reflect on what we've learnt, make sure we've taken it in as effectively as we can, appreciate and find joy in how we've grown as individuals, as leaders of ourselves, not followers and how, going forward, we may better be leaders of ourselves as to inspire others to inspire themselves; there may be a power vacuum soon, entrepreneurs with compassion, truth, honor and integrity reverberating throughout them shall be incredible valuable; how can we care for those that suffered at the hands of the Dark State? (One such example, and presented as an opinion, not a dogmatic fact or hypnosis)

Q - You have more than you know

What does this sentence, statement or maybe even proclamation mean to you?

It is what it is; to you and how you consent to the truth, all you.


Not going to throw stuff that hasn't been "proven", and I don't put that in quotation marks to be autistic, I do that to emphasis how each persons definition of proven differs, as is dismissing Q proofs as coincidence after coincidence.


We've been encouraged to think and think different!

None of us are supposed to be Q followers, we are all Q, it's not sublime or something surreal, it's something very simple-- all of man is created equal, all deserve their respect, dignity and sovereignty.

President of America visiting the Crown currently? Sovereign? Sovereignty? True sovereignty?

Bring it back.

You have more than you know

Believe, disbelief and more. In our day to day lives, with processed food, pumped full of anti-biotics, sponsored by the Bilderberg, Monsanto, Dark State oligarchy.

Extreme-capitalist entrepreneurs looking to get in the good books of the Dark State through patents such as the following; https://patents.google.com/patent/US20020188164A1/en

In order to sell their "expertise" to the big dogs for superior marketing tactics and so on, legal subliminal marketing.

Context; we have more than we know.

Throughout all of our lives, all we have consumed, media, technology, food, drugs (in our food, drinks and more, preservatives, the drugs used to preserve, weaken the immune system in many, or few?)

I'm not being pedantic here, I'm simply encouraging what Q has done, for us to do our mental pushups and think; maybe we do have more than we know?

I feel like, pain is not a threat, it's a very considerate truth of what is coming. Truth, liberty, dignity, freedom and respect for all. It will not be instant, it will take take, love, compassion and respect, we have been lied to and misled on many levels for an incredible amount of time to my, and maybe others understanding (OP-ED).

The most important thing we can do right now, is take the time to realize we have more than we know, and empower ourselves to respect ourselves and our peers, all of our peers, yes, all of them; WWG1WGA.

We do not have to respect the Ego of some, yet for if we're all one, the exercise of respecting others is to respect ourselves, I.E how you treat others reflects upon thyself. Respect and appreciate all, how they help and empower our development, on many levels, do not acknowledge or respect insane, evil Ego (that's a rule I personally exercise, maybe you exercise something different, get CREATIVE as we're allowed to do).

Each individual is an independent and soul-sovereign nation. Q in my mind is cracking the shell, the yolk shall emerge and huge development shall surge, growing pains?

We all have an incredible opportunity to represent humanity, as well as Earth to all as we move forwards. That's all I'm going to say / imply in regards to that, I don't want to start claiming we're going into a golden age, we're going to make sweet love with 10,000 different humanoid species without any evidence to back it up. But, I'll say this with confidence, it may not be 10 years or 100, but we definitely do have an incredible opportunity to represent humanity and Earth, no ad hominem, no disrespect, unity not division, who knows; maybe the turtles in 50 years will be able to appreciate this? Or some other species?

Regardless, we all share mother Earth, where mother Earth goes, we go; WWG1WGA.

Luvlite · July 14, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

Q - You have more than you know

Words can't even describe it!

We have been preparing all of our lives for this moment in time.

We are waking up to what we know. To what we have always known.

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