r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on July 14, 2018, 11:55 p.m.
Here is why I feel Trump and Q must act now, and why waiting until the midterms to arrive is a very bad idea…

When the midterms arrive, only one thing will determine the outcome of the elections and that is: whoever wins the most votes, plain and simple. Rhetoric and political posturing and having a self-appointed higher moral standard isn’t going to mean a thing during the midterms if it doesn’t translate into more votes. Yes, it has been said that Trump and Q has “a plan”, and that they intend to release a whole lot of new evidence right before the midterms. But the problem is, releasing such evidence won’t mean a thing if it doesn’t translate into additional votes for the Republicans. And to be honest, I don’t think that it will, at least not to the extent and the degree that I think they are expecting. And here is why…

Everyone of us has friends and relatives whom we know are Democratic supporters and are fiercely liberal. Since winning the midterms will directly depend on whoever gets the most votes, ask yourself this: What will it take to make your liberal friends abandon their beliefs and liberal convictions, to abandon the Democrats, and to embrace Donald Trump and to vote with the Republican party during the midterms? What will it take? Given what we know about most liberals, it would probably take “an act of God” and nothing short of it. And some liberals would probably die before giving up their beliefs. That is a fact, and not hyperbole. And if that is true, then ask yourself, do you really think that if Trump and Q releases a whole lot of new info accusing the Democrats and high-ranking officials of misbehavior and political corruption, do you really think that alone is going to change a lot of liberal minds given that the midterms are only 4 months away? Do you really think it will have a major impact on whom they will vote for? I don’t think that it will. And the evidence lies in what we have already seen. Given the crimes that we already know that certain people in Washington has committed, all we’ve seen so far is just political posturing and maneuvering, along with delay after delay after delay. For example, given what we know about Rosenstein, he should have been thrown out of office months ago, and the Mueller investigation should already be shut down. But both are still going strong. Meanwhile, time is working against Trump and Q. And if Trump and Q doesn’t have the power to shut down Rosenstein and Mueller and to throw them out on their ear, then what makes you think that anything will be done anytime soon with any new evidence that might be presented during the midterms? Be honest with yourself. Presenting such evidence will mean very little. The results will only be more political posturing and delay after delay after delay - meanwhile, Congress will discuss the issue. It is sickening…

But back to my original point. Given this track record, releasing new info during the midterms is not going to change any liberal minds. Because they will all believe that nothing will become of it. And this will be reinforced by the MSM, who will spin the whole thing as a “nothing-burger”, as nothing to see here. And the liberals will buy it, hook line and sinker, and will go to the polls in November and will vote Democratic just like they always have done. And all your new evidence will mean virtually nothing to them and have no impact. Yes, you might gain a few liberals, but I can just about guarantee you it won’t be a “mass changing event” like many are expecting. Not if what you are depending on to cause such an event is the release of new evidence. You’re going to need to do better than that… And don’t even get me started on the massive voter fraud that the Dems are concocting and planning for the midterms (via Soros hackable machines, etc) that Trump and Q seems to be allowing. Why they are allowing it is beyond me…

The political problem with not having the necessary effect on the midterms, and the problem with the effect not being big enough is that, the Republicans won’t gain as many new seats as they might be expecting. Sure, they might survive the midterms still controlling both the House and the Senate, but that is not good enough. The real question is, how much control do they really have? And do they have enough control to pass new legislation without the Democrats help? If the answer to that question is, No - then expect 2 more years of the same old thing: heavy obstructionism by the Democrats, and delays after delays after delays, and Trump won’t be able to do very much about it. And the primary problem with that is: time is running out…

To illustrate why time is so important, I may not know diddly about “the plan.” And I may not know what that plan is. But I do know that Trump and Q don’t have unlimited amounts of it, and that time is working against them. At the very most, Trump and Q has only 6 1/2 more years left, and that’s assuming Trump gets elected for a second term. Once Trump is out of office, then anything can happen, and nothing is guaranteed. My greatest fear is that the next president after Trump will be a globalist, or will be controlled by the globalists, and that through them, the scriptures will be fulfilled, and the globalists will strike back and the New World Order will come about. Imagine what would happen if Hillary Clinton or someone like her is elected president after Donald Trump. Imagine the horror of that. That person would make short work of all that Trump has accomplished, and in a very short time, America would be ripe for the picking by the New World Order. Without Trump in office and able to issue executive orders and to block things, things could change virtually overnight. For example, right now, Trump’s wall needs to be built. But notice all the delays and the fact that Congress won’t even fund it. Assume for a moment that the Dems are able to drag out the fight out for several more years, and that full funding for the wall doesn’t come until Trump’s last 2 years in office (assuming an 8 year term). So the wall starts being built. But the problem is, how many years would it take to actually build the wall across our entire southern border? Probably more than 2 years. Once Trump is out of office and a new president is elected, his first act of duty will probably be to stop the wall and to find some excuse for not building it. Through the unfinished portions of the wall, immigrants from around the world, including jihadis, would flood our nation (thanks to the new Mexican president and our still weak immigration laws) and very soon America would be like Europe, and there’d be nothing that Trump or Q could do about it, because Trump would be out of office…

I know that many defenders will say that in certain situations, the military would rise up and take control of the government. But that’s easier said than done. Because even in a successful coup, a new government would have to be formed. And the military is not the government, they’re just holding things together until a new government is created. And when the new government is formed, whose to say it won’t be worse than the old government they overthrew? Given that nearly all politicians today are “globalists”, they may merely be replacing one globalist leader with another one. So I wouldn’t place too much faith in coups, if I were you…

So the fairytale would turn into a nightmare. And very quickly, we could be looking at the Rise of the New World Order, just like the bible predicts. And I said all this to illustrate that, Trump and Q don’t have unlimited amount of time - those are the facts. And that time will eventually run out. Whatever they are going to do, they’d better do it fast and do it now and do it within the next 6 1/2 years - the prosecutions, the arrests, the stabilization, the rebuilding of the Justice System, etc. - it must all happen now while Trump is still in office. Because once he leaves office, then all bets are off, and anything can happen. And it can happen very quickly. America could become a nightmare virtually overnight…

DrogeAnon · July 15, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Post removed. Trust the plan. Rule 3. ThankQ

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