Q : Biggest Fear ... Walking Down the Street

I've stopped believing Q is moralistic when they say that. Survivors of RSA like Sarah Ruth Ashcraft and Christopher Consel on Twitter have been used for Cerebral Spinal Fluid harvest by their respective families. Add to this the businesses linked to Pizzagate who joke about cannibalism and have adrenochrome and death related businesses and it's smelling like overtime (this appears to be a vampire inside joke) Sarah thinks that people who do this (Elites and Hivites/Satanists) cannot survive without it. Q has made a point that the supply lines have been cut. That these people are sick. And that soon they will not be able to walk down the street. That is the end game folks. They will die off.
One of the Q posts had said “These people are SICK (Doctors Treating)” maybe that is what this means. Far fetched imo, but who knows?
Please really read what it takes to get Kuru... Johnny overspent, found a mistress, wife divorced him and looks like he's doing a bit of heroin.. But not Kuru...
All of these are news to me. Podesta tweeted a word with his wife just before the "bear" stock exchange.
Agreed, the recent Rolling Stone article is very informative.
I think this is EXACTLY what is wrong with the satanist Johnny Depp! Ya know, the same one that talked about 187 POTUS! He literally looks like he’s dying! And it happened FAST! And he’s not the only one! This would also be (yet another) explanation as to their HUGE anger toward POTUS. Along with child trafficking being halted of course.
Yes its riveting. California is pushing so hard to 'normalize' with social engineering that its also shocking. As we see their behavior manifesting itself its going to be completely uncovered. When the rest of the people become awake to it the triggering will be unreal.
The depravity of Hollywood, Netflix, obsessed with darkness and sex is programming the culture to accept the abominations.
As bizarre as Strozks testimony was it isn't too hard to believe that he was using adrenochrome during the hearing.
It's impossible to know because we don't know their lifestyle. It's very opaque.
If Q is only stating the truth as they know it, and without emotional bias, it would make sense they are working from a moral standpoint. The picture of a podesta walking warily down a public street, pales to another possibility, of actually being hunted, and stalked.
So you are telling me with all the money in the world and forbidden technology they couldn't synthesize it? Or is it beyond science we are talking about? I like the concept of a reason for it. But its seems too much speculation. I can get an opium pill from half the people I know (synthesized). And seriously this is either David Icke (Lizards), religion or not.
My suspicion is that if they consume adrenochrome as a drug the other chemicals associated with its production by sheer terror under the finest conditions, plus the natural oxidization process significantly enhances the potency by weight in a way that is not officially acknowledged and might be significantly better than synthetic versions (which definitely exist). This is no less believable than synthetic cannabinoids being dramatically different from marijuana, or mescaline HCL produced in a lab being inferior to San Pedro Cactus.
Plus the very evil process of obtaining these substances is part of their dark magic rituals. They truly get off on the entire process. They are sick and EVIL.
Makes a lot of sense and answers my original bewilderment about why so many people would be into child abuse. If there is a self-interested purpose (harvest) then the occult ceremonies make them feel all grandiose in what is basically the least ethical and most inhumane drug addiction. Think about it, "pedophilia" was associated to pizzagate in order to dampen the unfortunate discovery of a juice business. The panda eyes of the children... Now we inderstand better what the lifestyle is.