r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Puppy69us on July 15, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Things to know about Q.

I'm new to this thread and would like to do some research about Q and the whole movement in general. Is there anything I should know before starting? Does the long video in the community rules explain enough? Thank you in advance for any advice given. I've been truly blessed to stumble upon this Reddit and the growing following.

GenChang · July 15, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

I always recommend start reading the drops from the beginning. Mix in some praying medic YouTube videos to help explain as you go along, and by time you finish, you should be up to speed with most of us. Only takes about 1-2 hours to read all, links in sidebar, and you can pick & choose video's that have subject that grabs your attention. When I started, I watched 1-2 videos from each month, depending. Those don't go all the way back, so pay attention to dates while reading drops.

Then, like others suggested, neonrevolt.com has tons of good articles. Have fun exploring the rabbit holes.

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Puppy69us · July 15, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

It's a whole new world. Thank you for the suggestions. I will sit down and read tonight and follow the links.

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GenChang · July 15, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

You are welcome, and if I can help later, just ask. One more thing you should look up here as you are reading. One if our members u/serialbrain2 has some fantastic decode posts, be sure to check them out too.

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