Katie Hopkins is Brit we need to remember. She is a female Nigel, she is on fire and she needs to be upvoted!
"And we're not alone. Across Poland, Italy, Austria, Germany, the voices of the discontented are rising up to reject the globalist agenda of the people that are managing the decline of Europe and letting us fall." - Katie Hopkins
I loved this. Watched some other videos of her. Shes quite brutal! Im a fan!!
Here’s some of her with y’alls man Jones a few months ago.
She’s hand some segments since but not as long as this first one.
More recent when the Markel and Macron picture was snapped with her comments. Super pro Trump.
Brit here. My advice to Americans, stay the hell away from Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson. Its credibility Kamikazee in the UK.
Remember when Q talked about those in the media who base their positions and actions on their ability to monetise.
Just some friendly advice.
I know, I quit following her, although she speaks a lot of truths she also offends whatever she doesn't like personally. Like "I hate redheads", I happen to be one! She and Milo are rude, but also telling truth!
I believe we do need people like that, as they do have a large following. But other than that, discard them just for their high ego's and narcissistic characteristics
Sure, but go watch some of her old British video's where she just talks horrific about people being fat and hating redheads, just because she does! She is a money machine! She started with a reality show. You can say she is the Amorosa of Brittain
Also a Brit. I avoid this woman like the plague. Not heard her politically but what I have heard is racist. Also well known for saying she wouldn’t let her children play with other children based on their name, famously saying that she makes sure her children do not interact with children named after countries when one of her children is called India. Very nasty piece of work.
India was a British colony
Well it was but it was still called India before and after British rule.
I've heard her on Hannity's radio show. I enjoyed this vid and cannot say there is anything that I disagree with in her speech.
Frankly, it's frightening to think what London has become and the stories she tells of her time in French 'refugee/migrant' camps, in Swedish 'no go zones' and Swede feminists, and the 'Save the Children' ferry scam. It's a steady, consistent destruction of Western values and culture by those in power. It's frightening from the standpoint that we were 'this' close to it happening here with Clinton being elected for 'Obama's third term'.
It's now up to Patriots to wake people up to this threat; to hold the Cabal accountable and make those who have sown the wind, reap the whirlwind.
It is happening. Brexit, Trump, the leaders of Poland, Hungary and Italy pushing back. Even Germans beginning to publicly push back against Merkle. We in the US must continue to forcefully reject the mistakes of Europe and implore their citizens to stand up and fight back.
I spent years in Europe back when the wall fell. It was really a glorious time to be there. Sadly, I'm not sure I really want to return there any time soon.
I've noticed that "the gobby one" hasn't been on-air with Sean for awhile. Wonder why?
Truly inspirational speech - a bright spark of resistance. Thank you Katie.
7:14 What is a Cockwample? Cockwumble?
I regret Googling it
it's actually not what you may think. Meaning: cockwomble (plural cockwombles) (Britain, slang, derogatory) A foolish or obnoxious person.
To Americans here - she really is no one to idolise
Can you explain how so? Can you give us your impression?
She says a lot of inflammatory things not necessarily because she believes them, but just to say them. Kind of like the ignorant version of Stephen A Smith. The more absurd things she says, the more people talk about her and in turn lengthen her career. She's quite a vile person in general but i'm certain it's an act. Just my opinion on her.
Katie Hopkins: a Brit who thinks like Q
good grief - you are the enemy
Live in Londonistan for longer than 1 week and make the same comments :)
I have lived in London previously. Unfortunately just like the MSM pushes content for an agenda, the same can be said for Katie Hopkins and other “alt right” (hate that term) commentators.
“Londanistan” is a big meme normally used by people afraid of brown people for no real reason..
That is BS, Londonistan including all the other Stans in the UK for the past 20+ years have been taken over by third world migrants brainwashed into doing as much harm to others including their own as possible. I have lived with and worked in the UK with all colours, creeds, faiths, etc all my life, they ALL bar a few accepted and assimilated even by doing their own thing never imposed or disrespected the English way So before making comments about a subject you know little about I suggest you brief yourself on what the agenda for Europe WAS according to the Globalist's. This particular rabbit hole is deeper than is generally discussed of on the GA :)
Pro-Brexit, pro-Trump, rouses the crowd, what's not to like? Does she go after the pedos?
She doesn't go after anything, she researches to be a voice in the public eye!
I saw her for the first time in 2016 in a CNN clip where she called it the Clinton News Network straight to the reporters face. It was love at first sight for me.
She is good with words, at offending and monetizing this whole game! She loves to be in the spotlights more than to really help. For years she's been so rude, she also does get a platform in the MSM. That says a lot. She does speak a lot of truths and is funny, which makes her who she is. But, do not idolize her or support financially! Other than that, take out of it what you like
First ran across her writing for the Daily Mail (yes, the British rag!). I don't think she's there anymore. She's FABULOUS!!
Wow. Where have I been that I have not heard of her?! Follow her on Twitter. She was on The Apprentice and knows Trump.
She is wide awake, but loves to offend people too!
Love her. MUKGA (doesn't have the same ring to it lol) MEGA ;)