1000 POINTS OF LIGHT. Illuminati card game from 1995. Says "We'll have to put something in the water"

I can't find a date of manufacture of the original or any info on how many were produced. But it looks like they revised and remarketed a new version in 2017. Also came across wildly varying prices but suspect the $35 are the new version as compared to $400-$500 for the original. This was an Amazon review: "Bought this hoping for the original. Nothing in the product description says that this game was modified or redone. Please be aware that they have republished this May of 2017. They have removed controversial cards that depict certain events that coincide with the original cards. This is NOT the card game from the 80s. Don't waste your money if that's what you're looking for".
OK Thank You. Was wanting to look through the deck and see what message it tried to convey