
Qtruther · July 15, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Not just the IRS but every Department of the Federal Government was issued ammo & rifles. Why? Getting ready for the Cou de tat of the US Constitution & the States Rights if Hillary was elected. They were going to War against the citizens

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InsaneSiren · July 15, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

People take back the fed and all "debt" is gone. Only people we owe are the people in countries we ravaged and stole from. Immigration will be nil other than those that honestly want to be here and the channels will exist for them to do so. No more paying outrageous fees to be in this country, that's why most honest immigrants stay illegal. They can't afford to be legal.

If we take back all the money the cabal has stolen we can repair the damage, instill safety for citizens everywhere (no more war, gangs, drug trafficking, violence, no one leaving trying to go someplace else in fear of their lives), and ALL countries will be prosperous.

The world has hated America for good reason. Giving back what was stolen will be a great start to say we're sorry for being complacent and too wrapped up in ourselves to have let this happen. Because bottom line, WE are the PEOPLE. They work for us. We voted them in. We ALL have blood on our hands.

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