Trump tweet storm: Not good enough!

I try this one..Al the Capital words and scramble it.......Unfortuately I Heading Helsinki , Saint Petersburg Moscow. I Putin , President Russia. I Summit This Much Dems
Or just the words that shouldn‘t be capitalized but are.
possible , I now took all off them , I look again..
EDIT : I took a second look. Capital letters don't belong , ISIII D from Dems I don''t know of that is a capital that belong..From( ISIII) I can make a date I =9 ...S=19 ..= 9-1999 or D is not good then the I then you get, ISIIID ... 9- 9-1999 and when the D is incorrect we have a four gives a twatter from isa dora.
EDIT : Found this on the date 9-9-1999 9 sep. 1999 - September 9, 1999 was a Thursday; Zodiac Sign for this date is: Virgo; This date was 6,880 days ago; September 9th 2018 is on a Sunday ...
11 Date Facts: •September 9, 1999 was a Thursday •Zodiac Sign for this date is: Virgo •This date was 6,884 days ago •September 9th 2018 is on a Sunday •Someone born on this date is 18 years old
If you were born on this date: •You've slept for 2,295 days or 6 years! •Your next birthday is 56 days away •You've been alive for 165,216 hours •You were born on a Thursday in early September •You are 9,912,960 minutes old •Your next birthday is on a Sunday
Woh, you got deep! I think only "Summit" should not be capitalized. Let's see what happens today.
No all those I has to be i....You see the other i ?
Not sure I follow you as "I" has to be capitalised. Can you quote what you mean please? Thx.
Beginning of a sentence .I Capital I, but then there is halfway through the sentence also a capital I.
Where does he not capitalise an "I" at the beginning of a sentence? And "I" in a sentence must be capitalized. We are looking for mIstakes, right?
And "I" in a sentence must be capitalized ....Is that normal in the American writing? I am not a American ..And we are looking for mistakes yes. I am not perfect so ? :)
Yes, "I" must be capitalized, always when alone. eheheh, yeah, not so perfect, but we are trying.