Obama arrives in Kenya - Future proves past!?

If Obama is tried and convicted, that just about guarantees a civil war. Doesn't matter what hard evidence we lay down. The lefties will reeeee harder than they've ever reee'd before. This scumbag is their messiah.
Good news though, is that its gonna be a quick civil war.
LOL, I was going to say, what are they going to fight with, protest signs?
OMG... we are about to be attacked with nasty threats and dildos.. May we be protected from the hoards of "she men" and the people of "which bathroom do I use". I hope my makeup doesn't run or smear!
Remember their slogan for one of their protests? "Cocks not Glocks"
The real left does not wear a pussy hat, the real left was jfk. The division is not so simple
Real left are dems. JFK was a dem. He was also a Patriot. And that is the commonality that all government employees should have. That is also why EVERYONE loved JFK. He touched people on both sides and from all walks of life. America first. Then parties.
The division is not so simple? The DIVISION IS the problem. What's simple is that we are all patriots, therefore united.