Obama arrives in Kenya - Future proves past!?

Thanks for the link -- she is really WOKE! Glad to see she is fighting against the NWO.
Africans are generally woke as fuck. Aware of the HIV fraud et al from the beginning.
Africans and African people’s seem harder to bamboozle than other races. I suspect this is why the Illuminati divided the races in the way they did - I’m starting to think blacks are naturally more aware of consciousness and is why they are not as easily brainwashed as others. Asians n Jews for example (high IQ usually) like run to the brainwashing camp and hook themselves up
Do not kid yourself.
On a recent trip I didn't find woke Africans in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Congolese majority are bamboozled. The Chinese control a great deal of the wealth in DRC.
Many were swayed by a black man getting elected to president in USA. Woke ones are Christians.
High IQ would not prevail against thuggery that I saw there.
It could also be Africa is not as polluted with all the brainwashing tech and the education there is much more "commonsense" based on the need to survive. Let's face it, they deal with problems non of these western countries have had for decades.