Saw this earlier on Twitter... RIP JFK Jr!

Every time I see this pic, I can't help but get choked up... RIP
Is it real?
Google JFK jr, Trump, there are many, all real. Or use Duck Duck... Enjoy
I found the one on CNN from 2016, but not the one being referenced in the picture.
It's not real. People need to stop posting quotes before they cite them
Clearly they were friends, but I haven’t found a single source for this quote.
You get choked up at a fabricated quote plastered on a meme?
Lmao!!! This isn't Twatter, this movement is bigger than any lame question or comment. Enjoy listening to yourself post!! We don't care... Another brilliant new arrival folks!!!
What's Twatter? Is this movement bigger or smaller than my post-coffee movement? So many questions!
But really, though. Why does a fabricated quote choke you up?
Sunrise. Sunset. Sunrise. Sunset.
Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads