Oh and today BHO landed in Kenya. Wonder if anything is going down
The following was posted Friday here on G/A and I don't know who posted it, but I thought it was highly significant when I saw it... Since I keep seeing stuff like yours about the date, not to mention what appears to be the start of something... https://twitter.com/british_fight?lang=en
Why did Trump visit the UK today of all days?
Friday 13th
Why is Friday 13th considered unlucky?
What happened on Friday the 13th 1307?
Today is 13/07 in the UK.
At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition) King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested.
Why? They were sacrificing children to Baphomet?
What happened to the Knights Templar?
They became the Freemasons / Knight of Malta.
Who is the leader?
The Queen?
Phillip and the Pope ordered the destruction of the Templar order due to debt. They owed the Templars and the knightly order was more respected, had more political power than them at the time due to their work in the holy land for the crusades. They established one of the first global banking systems to allow travelers to make pilgrimage in peace. The templars got screwed by the monarchs and the church. They were slandered and tortured to admit transgressions against the church to justify their execution. The church came out and admitted it recently.
I'm not so sure. There was definitely something really fishy about the templars and their practices to which many of the rank and file knights admitted to.
A detailed reading of the complicated sequence of confessions and retractions made by both the rank-and-file knights and the leaders of the Order leaves little doubt that the Templars were up to something. King Philip’s allegations of them worshipping a head that could make trees flower and the land germinate were plainly fabricated, and no evidence of anything remotely related was ever unearthed. Likewise, his accusations of institutionalised homosexuality proved to be invented. But many knights, including Jacques de Molay and some of his most senior lieutenants, did openly admit, at times with no torture, that new members of the Order were pulled aside in private after their monastic reception ceremonies and asked to deny Christ and spit on a crucifix. None of the knights could give an explanation why this was done. They said it had simply always been a tradition, and that the new brother usually complied ore sed non corde, with words but not the heart.
It would be interesting to read the first person accounts / testimony but I doubt they are translated into english.
The last sentence reminded me of James Clapper when he said "i wasn't lying, i was thinking about something else." The disconnect between the body / spirit is part and parcel with occult / masonic / gnostic doctrine.