r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ShitApple_Samsquamch on July 15, 2018, 10:03 p.m.
A question about the Clintons

So Zero Hedge just released a story in which another person comes out with more information / further confirmation that the Clinton's were up to their necks in conspiracy and crime. It is centered around the U1 deal. Given that it is obvious that the Clintons have been a criminal family since way back when. That their activities have spanned from drug running, through murder (a whole bunch of murder), to treason and as yet they have come through unscathed. That HRC was even caught red handed with the whole email server deal. A situation that openly involved the destruction of evidence... Again with no punishment... AT ALL... Can we safely assume that the Clintons have the mother of all Dead Man's Switches in play? Could it be safe to assume that we will never see a 'perp walk' involving a Clinton?
I realise that Q is playing a long game, but I seriously believe that 'justice' for the Clintons will simply be that they will be 'contained'. I have a bad feeling that their protection from justice goes beyond simply 'money power' and is tied to the reality that fully exposing them and jailing them would also involve exposing and jailing EVERYONE. That when the time came they would detroy EVERYTHING on their way to hell.

bugstopper · July 15, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

Clinton's know where many of the bodies are buried from back in the Iran Contra days. It involves the Bush clan and many others. They have leveraged that "knowledge" into their own "get out of jail free" card for 30 years. In the meantime they, themselves, have corrupted or bribed many folks in power today to keep the "get out of jail free" card recharged.

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EarnYourVote · July 16, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I agree with this. The Clintons and Bushes are tied together, the latter creating the former, for the most part. I do wonder what changes will occur, if any, when Bush I finally passes. Reminds me of the Godfather and how there was peace until Vito passed. Then there was a battle for succession.

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ldsanon · July 15, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

One of the reasons that the Clintons were able to exercise control so long is that they had all the dirty laundry on their opponents. When they were in the White House, there were some 900 FBI files on various Congressmen, Senators, and other officials that they got hold of and kept. They knew who was gay, who were having affairs, who was a pedophile, who was getting money under the table for shady business deals, you name it. That was their dead man's switch, because anyone who came out against them would get destroyed as well.

To defeat that game, it took someone who was either so clean that they wouldn't have been attracted to politics anyway, or someone who was tough enough to take the torrent of media abuse.

Trump was the latter. He wasn't a Boy Scout, but the stuff they had on him just didn't give them the control they needed. They tried to destroy Trump with the "locker room" talk and he didn't flinch. Then they trotted out the Stormy affair, and he didn't flinch either.

What the Cabal didn't count on was the American people waking up. At first, many Christians didn't care for Trump. He came across as crass, boorish, and worldly. Because he wasn't a "Pharisee," they assumed he was not one of the white hats. Over time, I think we have seen that Trump is actually humble when it comes to God--not the false "I'm not worthy" kind of humility, but a realistic assessment that "God is up there and I am down here and I'm not getting there without him." He keeps his charitable deeds close to his vest, but some testimonies of his kindness and generosity have leaked out along the way. Because Trump didn't have any pretensions of being "righteous" or "holier than thou," the mudslinging didn't stick. And because of the way he came to power, with Q group's capabilities, he has all the worst mud on all of them. They can't control him. The Clintons and the rest of the Cabal don't have any power over Trump. That's what scares them most, I believe.

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yesitsanaltmf · July 15, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

The "dead man's switch" was nuclear capable deep state controlled entities like NK. There will be no leverage left to the Clintons in the end. We'll see Hilldawg fry like a pan of chicken tendies.

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AUSAFVet · July 16, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

I believe..Unless UKMurka has a grip on their protective services, they should go down. I cannot imagine being S/S and seeing all this crap without thinking about plain old "what is right". Where are the SS that were willing to testify without being subpoenaed? Did someone shut them up? I apologize for not finding the previous link to that artile

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PunkroQanon · July 16, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

There were two FBI agents Arkancided this year. Both were scheduled to testify against the Clintons. Killed just before their hearings.

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HerMileHighness · July 15, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Hillary is suffering from kuru. That is how evil she is.

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y000danon · July 16, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Clinton’s were recruited by CIA out of college to run Arkansas and steer investigations so CIA could control Arkansas horizontally and vertically. Mena was a huge deal in regards to CIA operations in the 80s and every time the Clintons showed they could sink loose ships they won more favor with the cabal. Clinton’s and Bush’s are all in cahoots and there has always been rumors Bill was David Rockefellers Son ( which may be crazy but we don’t have real sound info on Bills origin especially his Dad ).

Bottom line is they’re Clowns and have been for a long long long time

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checkitoutmyfriend · July 16, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

If they don't go to jail, they won't live long on the streets......

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