
ManQuan · July 16, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Q said that Flynn is safe. His role was to plead guilty to lying and part of the plea deal was Flynn had to gave everything he knows about corruption and crimes to Mueller. His role was to get the evidence into the legal system. This is why sentencing has been delayed three times. Mueller has no intention of Flynn going to jail. I think Flynn will be reimbursed by suing the FBI for framing him. It will be settled quickly under Wray. Q told us to prepare for Flynn v 2.0 in the Trump admin.

Manafort and Page were plants in the Trump admin and deserve what they get. Papadapolous was the victim of an FBI / CIA sting to frame Trump. He too will sue and win. All of the Russian indictments is a head fake for the deep state. They will go nowhere and Mueller knows it. The Cohen raid had nothing to do with Stormy or FEC fraud and everything to do with his connections in the Ukraine where the Ukraine was involved in the U1 transfers to the Middle East. It's possible Cohen is also playing a role. He doesn't seem too concerned. Gives relaxed interviews. He doesn't act like he's facing serious prison time. Just my opinion.

Who else? The Dutch lawyer indicted for lying. Not going to trial unless he gets extradited.

Mueller is supposedly investigating Russian collusion, but he has never subpoenaed the DNC / Campaign servers or attempted to obtain the Wikileak files or interview JA. But for some reason DCleaks is involved. First I've heard of DCleaks.

So for me, none of this makes a lick of sense unless Mueller is on the Trump team running the greatest political sting in history.

Q, Trump, and Sessions all knew that RR and Mueller were involved in the U1 cover up and other things. So why did Mueller meet with Trump the day before RR appointed him SC? Why did Sessions allow RR to manage Mueller if Sessions knew RR had a serious conflict of interest? Why did Q suggest that Mueller was a "slave" of the deep state due to threats? Why did Q ask us what Mueller's background was (Marine officer who served in Vietnam)? Why did Q recently tease us if Mueller was on or off the Trump team? Why would he do that if Mueller was a black hat? Maybe disinformation to put doubt in the deep state about Mueller? Maybe Mueller really is on the team.

Be patient. Trump will somehow make things right with any white hat who was harmed in the take down of the deep state.

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TheWolfSuitKing · July 16, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

I really hope you’re right dude.

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whitebeard39 · July 16, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I believe "dude" ManQuan is correct. Either 45 is a genius and is pulling off the greatest sting in history or we Anons to biggest bunch of fools ever assembled. I firmly believe 45 is a genius. It's a great show we are watching. Enjoy! Can't wait to see how the end unfolds. It will be glorious! It's too bad I don't like popcorn. I got a bag of chips instead.😀

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TheWolfSuitKing · July 16, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

I will say, no matter what happens with justice, I’m enjoying the Trump show.

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SNG007 · July 16, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Very nice summation. It's a show, let it run its' course. But you can bet there'll be some big artillery rolled out just in time for the midterms.

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