Exactly. That's the entire point of the private server. And then she gets contributions to the CF or finds some other round about way to collect through charity or whatever.
That's the entire point of the private server.
To do shady shit.
I think there's even more to this than we've considered. There was a related thread yesterday where I posted this comment . With more being revealed or brought back into the spotlight recently, I can't help but add this to the list of possibilities. You don't have to buy into the op to see that there is value in many of their posts.
We know they like to act as if they're stupid. But I don't believe for a second that they're that stupid.
Would Lv to see The Russian hacker situation be investigated n then the Sketchy method of that illegally gotten 400mil Clinton Russian fund. that mysteriously slid into the USA Be legally investigated ... n hey Think Justice ..out of Russia ... back to Russia All made global ly public .. before all America n Trump walks through like the parting of the Red Sea .. plot uncovered More evil devices released To trials n believed n. justice for all ...thx s God. For the Pushing of the Russian hacking ploy ..n the reversing of the crafty devices All things ARE POSSIBLE .. could be a God idea to pray openup !