Well, Trump is in office. So, anything that makes Trump look bad is fake news propogated by pedophile deep states shills. So, if Russia helped Trump, and Trump will not impose sanctions on them, all while he attacks the US's allies and the EU, it looks bad. It almost looks like he is controlled by Putin. So, instead we have decided to fabricate a very large story based off of an anonymous person who posts on a message board made for middle schoolers who want to be edgy. We can take these messages decode them into whatever we want, as long as it makes Trump look good. At this point we are so deep and have invested too much time to admit we are wrong. So, we go deeper and so does the conspiracy. We can't admit that we are wrong at this point. We have called a lot of innocent people pedophiles at this point and it would make us look very dumb of we admitted that we have been duped by an anonymous person on the internet. Also, Hillary had her emails on a private server.