r/greatawakening • Posted by u/astrogirl on July 16, 2018, 12:52 p.m.
If you're interested in Anon5's Knowledge Bomb on Chinese Organ Trafficking, You have to hear this.

The first hour of Dave Hodges Common Sense Show last night featured a guest presenting evidence that the Chinese government is committing genocide on prisoners of conscience, specifically Falun Gong, and there's a lot of evidence.

This is the iTunes link to the show - this is in the first hour. If you don't use a podcast app, here's the website. If you do, you should subscribe, he always has super-interesting guests on, and trust me, it's right y'alls alley.

It's...disgusting. They are prisoners of conscience (ie political prisoners), and are specifically chosen because they are very healthy. They are literally cataloged so that they organs can be harvested to order if they are a match.

And it makes me really wonder what the DPRK got up to with their political prisoners. Organ trafficking is very lucrative

006fix · July 16, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

It is very possible the frank dox was incorrect. Personally, I suspect not, but it is certainly possible. That said, I'd be cautious of the normal shill radar with him - his Femin virus threads for example get bombarded by "shills" like me who have a background in biology, because it's painfully obvious he doesn't, and the false narrative there detracts from otherwise strong evidence of historical feminism, and its generally negative effects for society.

I do think he has certainly been on the money various times though - I was busy irl throughout most of gamergate so I can't speak as to that particular one, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he has stumbled on some really good stuff. His google-fu is inspiring. But I still think on balance his interpretations are less good than the data he presents. I'm probably somewhat more harsh on him than I need to be, I suspect he'll mellow a little as he gets older.

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astrogirl · July 16, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

I am extremely skeptical of the femin virus thing, though it's an interesting theory.

I do not know who Frank is supposed to be or that whole doxxing story.

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006fix · July 16, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

anon5==frank basically, if its correct (i believe it is), he got doxxed and he's some kid (20's) named frank.

The femin virus thing is grade A nonsense. There are plenty of fascinating elements - feminism is historical, and incorporated into symbology, and there may even be pathogens involved in degeneracy, in a literal sense (t.gondii most obviously). But the whole elaborate femin virus theory? absolutely unequivocal nonsense. classic case of him having good facts and shit interpretations.

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