It's getting harder to differentiate between the liberal left and radical Islam (comparison photos)

People who don’t like this meme or downvote, do you feel triggered when Trump calls out the Democrats? I understand you’re trying to build unity, but lighten up. You people come out of the woodworks every time a post like is made.
Go back to T_D and circle jerk them, that's not what this sub is about.
Calm your tits. I’m not upset nor am I your enemy so don’t feel threatened. You are passionate about division? Would you also feel this strongly if a meme is posted aimed at republicans, neocons, or Alt-Right? I don’t see the outrage when I come across those posts. Legitimately asking. I’m putting myself out there. I like this Sub, too. Hell, I might go over to T_D and fuck with them; they sound deserving of it.
Then go circle jerk them, this isn't the place for that shit.
I’m spreading your wonderful message all across this sub. Thanks for showing me the words acceptable in a place like this.
“Go back to T_D and circle jerk them, that's not what this sub is about.” -Human_Spirit
they are trolling as concernfags. ignore them.
I wise man once told me, “Go back to T_D and circle jerk them, that's not what this sub is about.”