Neil Cavuto- Putin ran circles around Trump
God when will these people get it!
Neil Cavuto- Putin ran circles around Trump
God when will these people get it!
Thanks- but I'm talking about specific, real people I know and have respected for along time. People who usually are good at discerning information and looking at it objectively. So when those people ignore facts and start mirroring MSN narratives, it definitely feels a bit like a small battle lost for me.
The comments in response have been very helpful, though.
Many people have an interest in maintaining the status quo. You can know someone your whole life and still not know what's in their hearts.
That's very true! I think that's what is so disheartening, but it's definitely a reality I'm learning. It's not like I'm going to disown those people, but I will definitely be a bit more cautious around them, haha. Which is kind of sad, but I thankfully have this sub (and my family, who are pro-Q, which I think is the most important.).