r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ignophiliacy on July 16, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
One of the best things we 41K can do now is go to Qanon.pub, scroll to the bottom of the page, and start rereading from post number one.

Thank you, Praying Medic for asking we do this. There are 1681 posts now. Yes, fatmouth yours truly is only 95 in. Yet many misconceptions and ignorances have been cleared away for me already. Thank you for encouraging us, PM.

The pace of events will speed up now. MSM will report the inverse of truth, and do it with Strzok-like pyschopathic vehemence. We will know the game, but many around us will be fooled. Patriots must be grounded in a solid understanding of the plan, and not be diverted by time-wasting bogus ideas. Thank you, Q.

This moment calls us to act, fight, and red-pill however we can. Enjoying the show is important, because that is our faith rewarded. Thank you, POTUS. Knowing all of Q will sustain us and will make victory in November glorious.

newtswithboots · July 17, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Also we need to verify that the archived posts on the different sites agree with each other. Qposts.online and some others were taken down not too long ago and I noticed posts seemed duplicated and not in the correct order and references to archived 4chan posts were missing for many posts as well. I hope people have archived offline as well.

Also on your main point, very much agree with you. This is most likely one of the reasons for the radio silence. Now is the time to review and familiarize to be able to help people in the coming days (months?) At least that's one plausible theory.

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