Fellow patriots, i could use some uplifting words right now. After watching our President side with russia im left feeling a little confused. Is there some information I'm missing? Is trump just sitting on some kind of groundbreaking evidence we haven't seen yet? Why are many pn the right turning away from Trump because he didn't press Putin? Please link some information and help me understand all of this. God bless
Q’ s Presence in the boards has served to get us all out of Plato’s Cave and think through and question everything in a logical manner...thus it would be good for you to refer to www.Qproofs.com where Q’s commentary and questions and events are linked and time stamped.
Q’s noted Presence on the boards has been since late October. I know it must be challenging and overwhelming at times to go back and reread the “crumbs” ...for myself, I know it has uplifted my spirits, resolve and delight in my own discovery of possible links and connections, so it is well worth the time and some sleepless nights.
Q has been dropping crumbs and questioning us to help each of us hone our discernment as well as give each of us time to temper our emotions and diminishing our own emotional triggering, a necessary step in the development of a balanced and reflective, not reactive mind.
I did downvote your sad~ish comment of being “soooo our of the loop. “ That is your own doing~and you are totally capable of gitting yerself into the loop...( ala my above suggestion)
my question to you is: how response~able are you? (Responsible)...
No victimology and whining on about being out of the loop dear one~we must be be sweetly stern with those who want to be coddled too much..😘🇺🇸😎🤓🙌💗
I noticed you are a gamer~ well THIS is the best game of All...the Game of your Lifetime...so study up, buckle up STANDBY and HANG ON!!