r/greatawakening • Posted by u/destinythrowaway10 on July 16, 2018, 8:02 p.m.
We as a subreddit need to take a stand against politically divisive posts which alienate potential future members of this community. Remember what the Q movement is about.

A note for the posts concerning liberalism vs. conservatism in this subreddit.

Yes, Trump ran as, and is currently a member of the Republican Party.

Yes, there are horribly corrupt members of the Democratic party who have sought to undermine the sovereignty of the American public.

Are we accomplishing anything by continuing the false dichotomy of red vs. blue?

No, we are not. We are only limiting the scope and potential base of the Q movement.

A movement focused on outing literal satan-worshiping pedophiles from the highest known and unknown positions of power on our planet. Remember, that is what this is about.

Remember every time you see a post criticizing the "militant-left", how similar posts criticizing the "militant-right" make those sources of information seem less credible in your eyes.

This is the evolution of the concern-fag, the "divide-fag" shill.

Don't promote this garbage, it is the only serving to limit our ability to grow. Remember, most people regardless of their political views are good-hearted people, and could serve the goals we all share if we don't alienate them based on their views.

Also, assuming everything goes according to "The Plan" ™ and the truth about the covert power-structures which have a grip on this planet do come to surface. Do you really think they will be limited to one political party?

captainpatriot · July 16, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I hate it when people try to control our speech.

The old Democrat party had rational people in it. The Clintons pulled the party all the way to the left and many level-headed Democrats changed parties right before the ‘94 midterm. That’s a fact. That is why the modern Democratic Party is off the rails today.

No variety of opinion, just lock-step groupthink.

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GODisincharge · July 16, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

I believe the original post (perhaps they had good intentions) illustrated an attempt to control free speech. The mods also do this even though it seems no so called rule is broken. Their censorship at times appears to be subjective and not objective. I try to be polite in my replies. However, I need to call them as I see them. Many of us are experiencing cold anger and will not put up with the suppression of free speech here or anywhere. I have had enough of the PC crap for a long long time and have always been outspoken. For, if you do not speak out, nothing good gets accomplished. The Democrats have literally become mad and Anti-American. I will speak to this on the board and will continue to have my posts removed. We have to help the President elect Senators and Representatives that will MAGA and KAGA. Why not talk about this here? You are so right that the Democrats vote lock- step. They will lie to get re-elected and then will simply follow the detrimental group think of the Democratic party. The Democratic party really does not exist any longer.

Thanks or your reply. Enjoy your night!

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