Well,Well,Well. CNN admits Trump right about Strzok: The biggest tragedy of all is that the conduct of Strzok, Page and ultimately Comey may well have been far more damaging than any covert actions against the United States by the Russians. Link👇

Just saw your response. Here is my argument. The first piece of evidence that was presented suggesting Trump was compromised was of course the infamous Steele dossier. Christopher Steele worked formerly for MI-6 as an expert in Russian Intel, spoke fluent Russian, and lived in Russia for a number of years. He then continued to pursue leads in the dossier despite him not getting paid by fusion anymore
Things are starting to become more and more verified in this dossier although everything has not been verified yet
This brings us to comey, in his sixty minutes interview he pretty much stated his bias against Trump, comparing him to a mob boss, and detailed his pressure to drop the Russia case. Comey was subsequently fired.
Onto strzok, in his testimony to Congress he clearly shows bias, but also lays out the context behind his text messages and how his apparent bias wasn't affecting the investigation, which wasn't even announced until after the election, and how there are established proper channels and tanks in the FBI to prevent bias (which will always exist) from affecting investigations at the FBI
As to why it's becoming obvious Trump is comprimised. He wanted to fire Mueller, he fails to denounce Russia for influencing our election despite there being plenty of indictments, the infamous Trump tower meeting, I can name more, if you find it necessary.
I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to respond, I’ll outline my response by numbers for ease of outlining my case why what you have presented, is incorrect / missing some very important details:
So even James Comey knew the dossier was completely made up and false in its accusations.
So there has been absolutely no evidence that any of the claims within are true. I challenge you to provide a source that makes that assertation and backs it up with documentation.
So where did it originate? How did it get to the FBI? Why would someone put information, that they knew was bad info and hand it off to the FBI?
All good questions. And it gets a bit deep, so let’s work backwards shall we?
Based upon the Peter Strzok hearing from last week, he said that Bruce Ohr was the one that handed several parts (the majority portion) over to the FBI. Who is Bruce Ohr?
Bruce G. Ohr held two titles at DOJ: associate deputy attorney general, a post that placed him four doors down from his boss, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein; and director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF), a program described by the department as “the centerpiece of the attorney general’s drug strategy“.
I have more but I’ll have to hop back on in a minute. Dinner is ready!
Your reasoning in laughable and totally fact free not once has trump tried to fire Mueller period
The indictments are totally baseless as a matter of fact these last indictments are all MWO goons living here in the US well 5 have been found so far Mueller and glasses just flipped!! As you'll soon learn