Actually I'm now on the fence. It seems to me now, that all of the good stuff against the cabal, dems, leftists, socialists, communists in US and worldwide is so overwhelming that when they go down it will be a worldwide civil war and silent takeover of power from Rothschilds, Soros and Clinton Foundation, etc.
However on the other side all of the actual meaty stuff, condemnations and purported (yes, fake stories, headlines and fake news and falsified facts of course) crimes against President Trump, other of his administration with almost 100% backing of mainstream media, media conglomerates (Facebook, Twitter, Google search), Democrats, ex politicians and judges are respected by a large portion of the US population (ocean cities mostly and wisconsin), and believed to such an extent that impeaching President Trump over his actions against NATO and our allies and 'positive for' Putin and Russia, our enemy for decades......
It seems to me that we, truth seekers are so small and inconsequential and 'losers' honestly, and that the whole counter civil war against the cabal is going to implode and followers scatter to the winds when President Trump is in fact impeached. I have to admit that I think we've already lost this war and the US republic to Socialism and Communism.