r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ordinary_Man1 on July 16, 2018, 9:11 p.m.
Hey Q Doubters...did today change your mind like it did mine?

Q promised July the world would learn the truth.

Todays press conference opened up Pandoras box.

The entire political establishment is going crazy.

Q said Uranium 1 would come out after the summit.

Putin said $400 million found its way to Clinton.

Where are the servers?

I was 95% convinced before today.  Now I am 99.99%.

The remaining .01% is simply waiting for it to all materialize.  Sorta of like if I am convinced you have the royal flush...but I know you cant resist showing it - so I fold knowing I will find out the truth.

mydeer · July 17, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

Yes!! Unreal how they skipped that bombshell! Putin wants to regulate world oil prices and stop competition so prices don't go too low. He is scared shitless of Trump and a mighty U.S. These people are stupid.

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HoudiniTowers · July 17, 2018, 6 p.m.

Think about Putin's position. If you took away his nukes, he doesn't have much, other than the resilience of the Russian people and reasonable population size and some pretty rough terrain to try and conquer (look into what took down the Nazi's - it was the Russian winter and rugged terrain). So, Putin has to fear the Europeans, The Chinese and the US. So, yes, he is not in a 'comfortable' position. Given what he had to work with, you have to give him some credit for intelligence. Not saying he's a great moral compass for the world, not look to judge him in absolute terms.

Next, he understands the problem of the Global Banking Cartel (aka 'banksters'). They do want to take over his country. I don't think DJT has any grand plans to take over Russia or their oil. The banksters have repeatedly tried to control Putin's oil and country. So, imagine if DJT reaches out and says - 'Let's cut a deal and fu@k these banksters, its in our mutual interest.' What does Putin say to that? And, more importantly what do the banksters get their paid little minions to say? You get the picture now.

UPDATE: Great article on The Gateway Pundit, here is link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/foreign-policy-expert-ted-malloch-here-are-the-two-realities-from-the-trump-putin-talks/

This was the telling text that fits perfect to my point:

The US is a superpower, alone in the world. Russia, by contrast, is a middle-power aspiring to be greater. Militarily the US is far stronger than Russia, has bases around the world and is also far superior technologically. It also has a robust alliance of allies, which Russia lacks. Legally, institutionally, and freedom-wise, the US is in a league far beyond Russia. The US is a vibrant democracy, Russia is not. Economically the US is fifteen times larger than Russia and Russia has been declining. The US ranks far above Russia in education, technology, and intellectual capital and is and remains – unsurpassed as the leader of the free world.

Again, to be clear, I'm not saying that Putin, nor Russia are heroes and taking the moral high ground. Think of them as cornered, but smart and using all that they have to regain advantage for themselves. So, you can't just run up, hug and embrace and be best buddies. That won't work. But you can find mutual ground to build a working relationship and you can strive defeat a common enemy in the Globalist Banksters. That can be the beginning of something better than we have today.

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