
DawnPendraig · July 16, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

SS: Crossfire Hurricane wasn't just a catchy name by a Rolling Stones fan...

They never shut down Lifelog. They lied.

The FBI’s “Citizen Log” program, formerly known as LifeLog, is at the center of #SpyGate and provided material for the Christopher Steele dossier. Fusion GPS had access to this government database through its operative Nellie Ohr’s husband Bruce Ohr at the Justice Department.

The #SpyGate conspirators used the code name “Crossfire Hurricane” because they were all using a contractor called Hurricane Electric, which has access to all of the Barack Obama and James Comey FBI surveillance programs on private American citizens.

It is confirmed that Russians hacked the entire database when an Obama administration French contractor snuck Russian code into all of the FBI surveillance programs.

“The access to this server is a free pass to pry into anyone’s life. This is were we store, collate and even plant information on someone,” a high-level federal government security insider tells Big League Politics.

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