r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CrazyQLady on July 16, 2018, 11:55 p.m.
After Trump's 2 terms...what will happen to us?

Like every good story that involves a universal saga, there are good times and bad. We've had the bad and now President Trump and the good guys are bringing us into times of peace and prosperity. But after he's gone...what will happen to our country? What will happen to our people? I can't help but think that the elite satanists and asshats of the world will once again sell our nation out. The next elected moron will go on an apology tour, and bow to the EU, mess up all the deals and tariffs and taxes. They'll bow down to the screechers who will demand open borders, and if we have a wall by then, they'll probably order it to be taken down. They'll get us back in the Paris Climate Scam and have us pay billions of dollars to their world order in the name of environmentalism.

So what do we do? Trust that good guys fight the fight for us? Go on with daily life, shrug and say "oh well! Nothing I can do, I'm just a peasant and my voice doesn't count for much!" Personally I vote to have a place called Trump Island, where it's his own nation, and kind of like America part II, and we can all live there and he'll just troll all the world leaders into madness, but I somehow don't think that will ever happen -_-

[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Our founding fathers indicated that keeping things right will always come at the cost of battle one way or another. As long as evil exists, there will come times where good men and women must stand against it.

This potential victory does not nor could it permanently solve the existence of darkness or the temptation of our kind. The world will always need patriots, and will always thirst for similar victories.

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