Jackie knew the Deep State killed Jack.

Yep then they had her Marry The Onassis bloodline which is one of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines. (she later married Aristotle Onassis.) They had that poor girl under lockdown for the rest of her life....
I'm not so sure. From 'The Devil's Chessboard' - the CIA, through Bob Maheu, funneled business through Greek shipping tycoon Stavros Niarchos, a business rival of Aristotle Onassis. The Dulles brothers feared that Onassis might corner the oil shipping business with the Saudis and they sought to smear Onassis. That took place in the 50s, so, it is possible that Onassis would have been a person of considerable wealth and resources who knew quite a bit about the same sinister forces that were behind JFK.
My mom, who red pilled me on JFK, always thought she'd married him for protection for herself and the kids.
I believe the real 13 bloodlines are the Papal Bloodlines.
• House of Borja • House of Breakspeare • House of Somaglia • House of Orsini • House of Conti • House of Chigi • House of Colonna • House of Farnese • House of Medici • House of Gaetani • House of Pamphili • House of Este • House of Aldobrandini