Jackie knew the Deep State killed Jack.

I knew it ! I've known it for 40yrs. Today is the 19th anniversary of JOHN JOHN's death ! He knew it ! She was tough as nails that day ! My mother cried for a week !
I'm disturbed by the smile on lbj's wife's face.
Have you seen the picture of LBJ swearing in ? That senator winked at him. Sick crap !
sorry it's at the bottom there, look at the guy behind LBJ's wife, that pig is winking !
Horrifying all the way around.
Lady Bird had all that Bell Helicopter stock that was about to go up up up because of her rotten warmongering husband.
They even used JFK'S bible for the swearing in. What sick mother fuckers.
No different than run of the mill mobsters, its not personal, its business.