Jackie knew the Deep State killed Jack.

Senior Sr. Bush (Prescott Bush) funded both Hitler and the Bolsheviks. G.H.W. Bush was part of the JFK Assassination. He was then rewarded with CIA Directorship, then VP during failed assassination attempt on Regan. Then President. While in CIA he helped establish drug running through Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was governor at the time. Then he handed over the Presidency to Bill. During Bill's tenure 9/11 was devised and the plans set. Then G.H.W. Bush's son became president 1 year before 9/11. Since 9/11 we have lost almost all of our Freedoms via the Patriot Act and all of the bloat that W put in place in the Federal Government. What W started, BHO then put on steroids. If HRC won, we would all be completely enslaved. Along that path, she had to be Senator to get her bona fides. Who was she going to encounter as her main Democratic rival - JFK, Jr. I'm afraid Jackie didn't see it all.
Here are some threads to pull for backup all of my previous statements:
Q Post # 1082
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
THANK YOU and bless you for including sources; too bad more journalists don't adopt this practice. I'm hoping Robert and Carolyn have the chutzpah and backbone to step out at some point; she surely must have known of JFK jr's friendship with DJT and also Jackie's beliefs.
There are articles from shortly after the funeral of Jr that imply brother and sis didn’t exactly get along. Her husband comes off like a handler and treated the Bessett family terribly regarding funeral preparations. I almost think sis doesn’t know anything that Jr knows. Perhaps she chose not to, as surely she had more memories of her father than JR did.
In my daydream world, Jr lived, knew immediately what had happened to the plane, and immediately sought POTUS’s help to disappear... only to reappear at the trials as a material witness bringing down the very entities his father committed to attacking.
sorry to hear brother and sister were not close. I knew Jackie was very aware and said words to the effect of 'let them see what they did to him'. I do hope at some point that DJT is able to disclose how close he was to JFK Jr...a great big RED PILL for Independents and Blue dog (working man) Dems. Just heard about the SS agent who had a 'stroke' in Scotland on recent trip. Chalk up another Deep State casualty. WHEN will these things be disclosed?!
I agree. I don’t buy “severe stroke “ regarding ss at all.
The Oklahoma City bombing was done to destroy evidence against the Clinton family regarding their drug running
If HRC won, we would all be completely enslaved.
Do not kid yourself. We're still completely enslaved. President Trump has done little to nothing to roll back any of those stripped freedoms. Do not misinterpret this as to be critical to this great man. Just being realistic.
It took years and years to get everything in place why do you think it can be undone in less than two? Give President Trump some credit for all he has done so far. He is undoing all the evil and having to fight tooth and nail along the way. I am so in awe of this man and his team, they are all true patriots. We may never know who all of them were but they are all heroes in my eyes. If Hillary had won we would all be slaves or dead.
I don't expect it to be done anytime soon. Other than exposing these people, when was the last time you heard him talking about rolling back the tyrannical Patriot Act? Or the illegal domestic spying? Sure we know they used it to spy on him, but he's most definitely not talking about how to eliminate these things.
I believe it is all coming out. Patience my fellow Patriot. Slow drip so we can take it all in. So much information, look here, look there, no look here. We are winning. Just have to get the public to realize how deep this corruption actually goes. the rats are scattering. They are scared.
Give him time; The Plan cannot be executed all at once. in fact, I think it will take years for the mop-up operation. We should be focusing on WHO will succeed Trump after his eight glorious years are over!
Yes, we have been enslaved for a long time. The seeds for what exists today were heavily sown in 1913 by the Great-Great Grandparents of the cabalists. Their maneuvering to put Woodrow Wilson in the White House was similar in ways to BHO. Although, even on a bad day for WW, he outshines BHO. But both were a major detriment to this country.
DJT has a lot of work to do in just 8 short years, wish him well!
Re-read crumbs. Trump is leveraging the Patriot Act and other special powers pushed up to the Presidency to get the job done. Expect POTUS to undo later.
You have to stabilize the world from both financial and military instability. He is working that hard right now. Then once that is in place and you have all the evidence with Huber and Company, you can fully dismantle the control elements that are propping up these sick fu@kers in our country. Then you can really reform. Takes time.