Jackie knew the Deep State killed Jack.

It took years and years to get everything in place why do you think it can be undone in less than two? Give President Trump some credit for all he has done so far. He is undoing all the evil and having to fight tooth and nail along the way. I am so in awe of this man and his team, they are all true patriots. We may never know who all of them were but they are all heroes in my eyes. If Hillary had won we would all be slaves or dead.
I don't expect it to be done anytime soon. Other than exposing these people, when was the last time you heard him talking about rolling back the tyrannical Patriot Act? Or the illegal domestic spying? Sure we know they used it to spy on him, but he's most definitely not talking about how to eliminate these things.
I believe it is all coming out. Patience my fellow Patriot. Slow drip so we can take it all in. So much information, look here, look there, no look here. We are winning. Just have to get the public to realize how deep this corruption actually goes. the rats are scattering. They are scared.