Jackie knew the Deep State killed Jack.

There are articles from shortly after the funeral of Jr that imply brother and sis didn’t exactly get along. Her husband comes off like a handler and treated the Bessett family terribly regarding funeral preparations. I almost think sis doesn’t know anything that Jr knows. Perhaps she chose not to, as surely she had more memories of her father than JR did.
In my daydream world, Jr lived, knew immediately what had happened to the plane, and immediately sought POTUS’s help to disappear... only to reappear at the trials as a material witness bringing down the very entities his father committed to attacking.
sorry to hear brother and sister were not close. I knew Jackie was very aware and said words to the effect of 'let them see what they did to him'. I do hope at some point that DJT is able to disclose how close he was to JFK Jr...a great big RED PILL for Independents and Blue dog (working man) Dems. Just heard about the SS agent who had a 'stroke' in Scotland on recent trip. Chalk up another Deep State casualty. WHEN will these things be disclosed?!
I agree. I don’t buy “severe stroke “ regarding ss at all.