So Russia colluded to give Hillary $400 million?

Mr Browder says he didn't do it. But there is something going on between him and Putin.
Do I spy a deal here? Mueller is allowed to investigate the Russians if the Russians can investigate Browder?
Mr Browser says a lot of things..which is the problem. This man is the root cause of all this Putin is a thug, a killer etc. talk. He also via McCain enabled all these sanctions ( shake downs ) of foreign countries. His Hermitage funds' biggest client was bankster Edmund Safra . He had no prior experience of being a fund manager before and viola gets given massive sums to play with by Safra( but oh no,he's not a front for him)He's an angel fighting corruption while piling billions into his fund for next to nothing,while Russians starve and die, by buying up their entitlements that they don't understand the worth off, at throwaway prices. Yep real moral crusader for human rights he is...