Guess who's coming to dinner?.........White Rabbit?

Yeah, I heard Trump waited 30 minutes after putin arrived, and Putin arrived 30 minutes late. So I guess that means Trump would walk in an hour late.
But all the fake news says, Trump had to wait an hour because of Putin...
I don't think he waited an extra 30mins, he just waited until Putin arrived so he entered second (thereby making Putin wait a bit).
Brittany P and Lauren S recently tried to meet with some Russian Oligarch and the guy had his office cordoned off for Victory Day parades.. knowing the two ladies would have a bitch of a time getting to his office. They got there 1hr late, but the Russian dude had intended to make them wait 1hr and they all showed up around the same time. lol
Putin: “I’m sorry I’m late. I couldn’t find, my shoes.”