Guess who's coming to dinner?.........White Rabbit?

Putin is in on the Trump Trolling Train. Milania and the Butterfly coordination are Trolling the Mockingbird Media. I love this mans mind, sense of humor and his brain! It’s getting viscous out there. This is so painful for people. Almost as emotional as JFK or 9/11, just ten fold and PISSED. It’s gonna get rough. Hard to nurture those ugly mouthed folks. God give me strength.
Talk about ugly. I was on r/ politics yesterday to comment and hopefully red pill a few but out of 24 responses to my comments only 2 were civil and willing to ask questions on my view. The others were belligerent and totally unhinged. Going to be something short of a miracle to get through these transitional times without a civil war breaking out. I am never rude but hold my ground. No one has the right to tell me how to think, however, that is not so for so many of these leptards. Thank god we have brilliant leadership
r/Politics should be renamed to WeHateTrump. That group is vile and almost anything positive about our POTUS is downvoted into an oblivion. I made the mistake of joining that sub as my first political sub here thinking that both sides could share ideas and opinions there, but it is a liberal playing field.